Sunday, February 17, 2013

TOP 10 fashion shops in Kuwait

I get my fashionable clothes from tuns of shops, and i advice you to visit these following shops if you are looking for some crazy fashion pieces!
( some of the following shops are also available in USA and UK. )
  1.  ZARA : they have really amazing dresses.
  2. H&M   : perfect if youre looking for some t-shirts, and also fashionable and colourful scarfs and accessories.
  3. AMERICAN EAGLE   : during summer american eagle has really cool shirts with different colars and sleeves, also for teenagers who love going to the beach, american eagle has this really awesome collection for bikini swimwear!
  4. TOPSHOP   : best for jeans!
  5. BIMBA AND LOLA   : if youre looking for shoes and heels to wear go to bimba and lola!
  6. 52 DEGREES   : absaloutly great looking vests!
  7. BERSHKA   : dresses and shoes!
  8. GAP   : when it comes to GAP, i love the winter collection, including the hoodies!
  9. HOLLISTER   : hollister isnt available in kuwait, but when i travel to the United Kingdoms i always stop at hollister to get these cool shirts with colars.
  10. JUICY COTURE  : juicy coture is the best if youre looking for winter outfits and jackets!
These were my favourite top 10!

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